Pascale Christin Grün
You can't teach a person anything, you can only help him discover it within himself.
Galileo Galilei
Main focus
- Systemic organizational consulting
- Coaching
- Stress management and health-oriented leadership
- Conflict management and conflict consulting
- Design and support of change processes
- Leadership curricula with high potentials
- Conception and implementation of workshops and large group events
- “Mastering the Unexpected” – Research and Innovation on Resilience of Organizations and Individuals
- Since 2007 network partner of Heitger+, Vienna
- Independent consultant and trainer since 2001
- Project partner of the consulting group Neuwaldegg since 2001
- Management of a fashion store in the retail sector (2000 sqm, 50 employees, management of purchasing, sales, design of personnel development, development of a new marketing concept)
- Change Catalyst (Institute for Life Energy, Cologne)
- Health Coaching (KGC, Hannover)
- Integrative Psychotherapy (Gerd Meyer-Anaya, Düsseldorf)
- Group Dynamics and Organizational Consulting (ÖGGO, Vienna)
- Change Essentials (Heitger+, Vienna)
- Systemic consultant training (ISB, Wiesloch)
- Study of business administration
- German, English