Culture change

The culture of a company is difficult to grasp. One Ways of seeing it, is the everyday behavior that has become a matter of course as a result of shared history, internalized guiding principles, values and lived routines. Culture cannot be changed overnight – it requires a view from the outside and a holistic approach that combines corporate development, strategy, organization and leadership over a long period of time. Culture is created by anchoring new routines in cooperation and becomes particularly visible in decision-making and conflict situations.

Our impulses for culture development: culture analysis that activates and makes the implicit visible, interventions that generate attention and can be multiplied, as well as executives and key people who generate movement in the company, as ambassadors for the new culture.


Questions we tackle with you

  • How can we observe and understand our own culture so that we can design and test new ways of playing?
  • What situations are particularly in focus for testing new cultural routines (e.g., how leadership teams operate)?
  • How do we create a cultural movement in the organization?
  • How isnew technology changing corporate culture?
  • How can we anchor our target culture step by step in day-to-day business through interventions on organization, strategy and leadership?
  • How and through what metric do we measure the progress of culture development?
  • How do we create commitment and strengthen multipliers?
  • How do we create vibrant, culture-shaping experiences, experiences and stories that continually energize the ongoing cultural process?