Barbara Heitger

About me

I like the moment when something new arises - in thinking, in a team, in the organization.

The best way out is always through.

Robert Frost

Main focus

  • Corporate Development
  • Complex change processes/strategy implementation
  • International Leadership Development Programs
  • Work with management teams, coaching



  • for many years Partner KPMG Advisory, Austria and Managing Director at Heitger+, Vienna
  • Founder/entrepreneur Heitger Consulting
  • Trainer/teaching consultant at the Austrian Society for Group Dynamics and Organizational Consulting
  • Lecturer in MBA courses and at universities
  • Founding member of the Austrian Coaching Council (ACC) and Scientific Advisory Board Carl-Auer-Verlag
  • Author and lecturer (topics: Strategy, change, leadership, systemic consulting, social trends …)



  • Training with Fritz Simon, Gunther Schmidt, Robert Fritz (USA) and Peter Fürstenau, among others.
  • Several years of training with Matthias Varga von Kibéd
  • Group Dynamics: Austrian Society for Group Dynamics and Organizational Consulting (ÖGGO)
  • Studies: Law, Sociology and Political Science



  • German, English